Guest blogging at Policy Network: Mass migration, terrorism fears, and Germany’s CDU

So far, Germany’s mainstream parties have resisted the temptation to construct a link between the current mass migration of refugees from the middle east and the growing (?) risk of islamist terror attacks in Europe. In a piece I wrote for Policy Network, I take a long(ish) hard look at the respective positions of Merkel’s…

Me on Merkel’s Moment of Truth

Me on Merkel's Moment of Truth 2

Handelsblatt’s global (i.e. English language) edition has an informative piece on “Merkel’s Moment of Truth”: her bid to sell her U-turn on refugees in a prime-time talk-show and a number of other venues. The article is garnished with some choice quotes by colleague Gero Neugebauer over at the FU and yours truly. Paywalled, but accessible if you…