Voting in national and comparative perspective, with a specific interest in the voters of Right-wing Extremist parties in Western Europe
Political attitudes and value orientations in comparative perspective, with a particular interest in political disaffection and alienation (“Politikverdrossenheit“)
Research methods in political science
German and West European politics
Current external funding
2021 INSIDER – “INnere SIcherheit und DEmokratische Resilienz”. Funded by the state government of Rhineland-Palatinate, ca. 146,000 Euro
2016 “Sub-national context and radical right support in Europe”. Funded by ORA (ANR, DFG, ESRC, NWO), ca. 1.8 million Euro
2016 “Problems of Representation in the domain of Biopolitics: Parliamentary Decision and Public Opinion on PGD”. Funded by DFG, ca. 220,000 Euro
2014 “Candidate location and voter perceptions in the 2015 General Election”. Funded by the Thyssen Foundation, ca. 15.000 Euro
2014 “National and Europeanised Identities before, during, and after the European Parliamentary Election”. Funded by the Thyssen Foundation, ca. 34,000 Euro
2013 Local Organiser of the 41st ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops. Funding from German Science Foundation (DFG) ca. 41.000, RLP state government 10,000 Euro plus 10.000 Euro in private donations and sponsoring income
2010-12 “Information, Framing, and Openness for Political Reform”. Funded by the Thyssen Foundation, ca. 28,000 Euro