Our local party system may have collapsed, giving way too much room to the officers & gentlemen / wannabe parish priests. But just when I thought I had seen the worst, the regional CDU got it in their head to prove that even with the benefit of professionally designed templates and logos, things can go horribly, horribly wrong. Don your protective gear and have a cautious look at these spectacularly bad campaign posters:
#wahlplakatefromhell countdown 👇
– 5 weeks: nothing says 'can do' like middle-aged blokes reading the newspaper
– 4 weeks: shit, the female vote. Roll out the token ladies, let them have coffee?
– 3 weeks: OK, we don't want to give them ideas. Barbecue for the boys! pic.twitter.com/hMHbMhToQY— Kai Arzheimer 🇪🇺 (@kaiarzheimer@fediscience.org) (@kai_arzheimer) May 19, 2019