No Putsch in the #AfD

Earlier this year, Jörg Meuthen resigned from his post as co-leader of the AfD and, like two of his predecessors, also left the party. Meuthen, an academic economist, had become a co-leader in 2015 following Lucke’s ouster and had been billed as a representative of the AfD’s ‘moderate’, economically liberal and fiscally conservative faction. Like…

A guide to Alternative for Germany’s donation scandals

A guide to Alternative for Germany's donation scandals 1

Update June 24, 2021 German prosecutors have asked the European Parliament to lift Meuthen’s immunity. In other words, the co-leader of the self-styled law-and-order party has become the object of a criminal investigation. Update April 19, 2019 The prosecutor for Berlin is investigating the AfD’s treasurer over support the party received from the association-for-whatnot (see…

Das Handelsblatt über den Rentenstreit in der AfD

In der AfD prallen marktradikale und wohlfahrtschauvinistische Vorstellungen zur Rentenversicherung aufeinander. Das Handelsblatt berichtet, dazu gibt es ein paar Wortlaut-Zitate von mir. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

Hardliner Björn Höcke will not be expelled from the AfD

Hardliner Björn Höcke will not be expelled from the AfD 2

What’s the matter with Höcke? A party tribunal in his home state of Thuringia has ruled that Björn Höcke has not violated the party’s fundamental principles in his so-called “Dresden speech”. In January 2017, Höcke had demanded a “U-turn” in German memory politics, which he deemed “stupid”. In the same speech, Höcke called the Berlin…

Alexander Gauland’s election as party leader confirms the AfD’s shift to the very right

Alexander Gauland's election as party leader confirms the AfD's shift to the very right 3

At today’s AfD conference, Jörg Meuthen has been reelected as one of the the two co-chairs of the party. Although there was no other candidate, he garnered only 72% “yes” votes. Meuthen was once promoted by Petry because of his convenient market liberal profile, but quickly became friendly with the more radical elements. The election…

Seven conflicts within Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland Party (AfD) – Fear and loathing edition

Seven months before the election, what’s up with the Alternative für Deutschland? I’ve kept repeating this since the Alternative für Deutschland’s ascendancy in the polls began in late 2015: the AfD’s electoral popularity depends on a) steering away from open right-wing extremism, which has frustrated previous attempts to establish a right-wing populist party in Germany, and…

AfD: Frauke Petry’s co-leader not running in 2017 Bundestag election

The #AfD’s leadership is highly fragmented. Regional figures play an important role for the ideology and image of the party. The national executive has not one, but two party chairs. While Frauke Petry is the more prominent and visibly radical of the two, co-leader Jörg Meuthen, an academic economist, has long refused to be sidelined…