kai arzheimer

Research on Alternative for Germany

I have a particular interest in the Alternative for Germany / Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party and their voters. Alternative for Germany is the first modern radical right party that achieved national success in postwar Germany. It is also unusual, because it harbours traditional right-wing extremist ideas and actors, which have become more influential over time. Since 2015, the AfD has become a major focus of my own research.

In an older article, I show that back in 2013/14, the AfD was not yet a typical radical right party.

Since then, the AfD has changed considerably, and has also changed Germany in the process.

And it was not just the AfD that changed, but also their voters. Using a GLES data, we can show how the Alternative for Germany’s voters veered to the (radical) right between 2013 and 2017.

There is also a chapter that studies the importance of East Germany for Alternative for Germany and some more chapters written in German.

Here is the full list:

Have a look at my blogs about Alternative for Germany if you want to read even more about the AfD.

And click here if you are interested in my comparative research on the Radical Right in Europe.

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