Regionalvertretungswechsel von links nach rechts? Die Wahl von AfD und Linkspartei in Ost-West-Perspektive (Bundestagswahl 2017)

Lokale Hochburgen (Wahlbezirke) von AfD und Linkspartei, 2017

Einleitung und Fragestellung Nach der Bundestagswahl 2017 machte der Tagesspiegel einen neuen “Trend zum Regionalen” aus.1 Die Zeit identifizierte die Linke, “einstige Volkspartei der Ostdeutschen”, als Mitschuldige für den Aufstieg der AfD in den neuen Ländern,2 und die Huffington Post verzeichnet lapidar, dass “Rechtsextreme vielen Ostdeutschen ein neues Wir-Gefühl verschafft haben” und die AfD “zu…

Explaining Electoral Support for the Radical Right

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1 Introduction: Voting for the Radical Right Within the larger field of Radical Right studies, the question of why people vote for Radical Right Parties (RRPs) has attracted a large (perhaps disproportionally so) chunk of scholarly attention. There are at least three reasons for this. First, the early (and rather humble) electoral successes of the…

Wahlforschung in der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft

Wahlforschung in der Vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft 1

1 Einleitung Die Wahlforschung ist eines der wichtigsten Teilgebiete der Politischen Soziologie. Sie operiert damit an der Schnittstelle zwischen Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie. Zunächst war die Wahlforschung ganz auf die Erklärung nationaler Phänomene ausgerichtet. Verglichen wurden hier lediglich die Verhältnisse innerhalb eines politischen Systems, etwa in Frankreich (Siegfried, 1913) oder den USA (Key, 1959). Seit etwa…

Psephology and Technology, or: The Rise and Rise of the Script-Kiddie

Psephology and Technology, or: The Rise and Rise of the Script-Kiddie 2

1    Introduction [caption id="attachment_22876" align="alignright" width="212"] Download this text as PDF[/caption] From its very beginnings, psephology has been at the forefront of methodology and has sometimes pushed its boundaries (see e.g. King, 1997 on ecological regression). Methods such as factor analysis or logistic regression, that were considered advanced in the 1990s, are now part of…

Versöhnen statt spalten? Das Ergebnis der Bundestagswahl 2009 und die Rolle der PDS/Linkspartei in Ost-West-Perspektive

Bei der Bundestagswahl 2009 unterschieden sich die Wahlergebnisse in Ost und West wieder sehr deutlich. Diese Unterschiede, vor allem aber die Rolle, die die PDS/Linkspartei bei ihrem Zustandekommen spielte, sind Gegenstand des vorliegenden Beitrages. Dieser gliedert sich in zwei große Teile: Zunächst beschreiben und analysieren wir die Unterschiede im Wahlergebnis auf der Makro-Ebene. Im Anschluß daran beschäftigen wir uns mit den Ursachen für diese Unterschiede. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns vor allem auf die Wahrnehmung und die Wahl der Linkspartei/PDS, der es 19 Jahre nach der Vereinigungswahl von 1990 gelungen zu sein scheint, sich erfolgreich nach Westen auszudehnen.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something true? A comment on Lister’s ‘Institutions, Inequality and Social Norms: Explaining Variations in Participation’

Michael Lister makes a useful contribution to the discussion on aggregate variables that foster or depress turnout by drawing attention to societal factors, but his analysis is fraught with methodological problems. While his article builds on an interesting theoretical argument about the impact of institutions on attitudes, his claims about causal relationships are not backed by data. There is no rationale for the selection of countries, and most explanatory variables are actually constant within countries. The specification of the model is problematic in many ways. A careful re-analysis shows that the t-values reported in Lister’s article are far too large, while the estimates are unstable and dependent on the selection of observations. Moreover, the effects are trivial in terms of their political implications. There is no robust evidence for a universal, politically relevant relationship between inequality and turnout.

Fringe Parties

There is no universally accepted definition of what constitutes a “fringe party”. “Fringe party” is mostly used by journalists, politicians and political scientists as a pejorative term to demarcate the boundary between “reasonable politics” and the “lunatic fringe”, a label famously applied by Theodore Roosevelt in his Autobiography to describe “the foolish fanatics always to be found in such a [reform] movement and always discrediting it” (Roosevelt 1922, 206). Consequently, some political scientists have argued that the term should best be replaced by more neutral expressions, such as “marginal parties”, “non-established parties” or “non-mainstream parties”.

Voter Behaviour

Between the early 1940s and the late 1960s, four basic models of voter behavior have been proposed on which almost all studies of electoral behavior draw. These models describe how humans react to environmental factors and choose between different courses of action. Homo sociologicus (more or less implicitly) forms the basis of the approaches to voting behavior laid out in the first three parts of this entry. In contrast rational voter theory explicitly invokes homo oeconomicus through deductive reasoning. A closer examination reveals, however, that these seemingly very different approaches are in fact complementary and can be regarded as aspects of an overarching model. In the past few years this line of reasoning has become increasingly present both in social-psychological as well as rational choice writings.