What we are reading: Corruption performance voting

What we are reading: Corruption performance voting Do voters punish government parties for high levels of corruption? Performance voting is a generalisation of economic voting: the idea that voters governments punish/reward for good/bad, well, performance. Low levels of systemic corruption are both an aspect and a precondition for a polity’s performance, so studying how voters’…

Crooked right-wingers, Nazi Grandmas, pesky exam questions, and multiple party identification: four German links I liked

German media report that about 10 per cent of all MPs for the Radical Right AfD (state and federal level) are currently investigated by the police. Allegations range from incitement to fraud and tax evasion. In dubio pro and all that, but it’s not exactly what you normally mean by a law & order party,…

Political Interest Props Up Partisanship in Wales, Scotland, and England

Privately, I have referred to this piece as The Un-Dead Article, the Paper That Is Never Going Be Published, The Cursed Manuscript, or simply as It-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named. But you know, it’s the problem child we love the most. So: Our article “Political interest furthers partisanship in England, Scotland, and Wales” is finally out! If you don’t…

Party Identification in Germany: Not Dead Yet (1)

Update [su_box title="Publication"]This post has turned into a proper journal article (follow the link for an ungated pre-print) [bibtex file=ka.bib sort=year order=desc key=arzheimer-2017b][/su_box] Original 2015 post Almost a decade ago, I published an article with a cutesy title on the decline of party identification in Germany, of which I am inordinately proud. The main message…

Replication Data for "Dead Men Walking?" available

Someone asked me for the syntax/data required to replicate my old Electoral Studies piece on party identification in Germany 1977-2002. Its slightly preposterous title not withstanding, as of today it holds a proud 18th rank in Electoral Studies’ list of its current “Top 25 hottest articles” (bringing Web 2.0 and the sciences together was always…